Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Drugs, Debt and Education.

It was an ordinary night, the sound of bass boomed through the long hallway of my flat, perfectly masking the sound of anyone opening the front door. All of a sudden my friend Sophie bursts into the kitchen whilst we were mid-smoke “The Police are outside they’ve arrested Smithy!” me and my friends made a few gasps, then after few minutes of panic and hiding anything that might be incriminating, baccy, king skins, grinders, bongs and of course the main event itself, which was hidden down my bra in a very ladylike fashion. We sat down, relaxed and then it hit us, who were we supposed to get our weed of now? After five seconds off worry we realised there was no shortage of drug dealers around. Our main dealer had been arrested in a raid of our halls, we made some jokes, it was quite comical the way my friend described it; Two Riot vans and numerous amounts of police all to arrest one very stoned, harmless guy. His hands cuffed behind his back as he was carted into one of the two very spacious "Meat wagons", the same way you would a murderer, a rapist or a pedophile. It wasn’t really funny. Smithy was nice guy who was only selling to make up money for his rent, which thanks to his maintenance loan left him nearly a thousand pounds short every time that dreaded rent date came around. A very similar situation to a lot of others in halls, who have also had to resort to "other means" of paying their rent. 

In my opinion, the money grabbing people at the top who are making thousands of jobless students pay £120 a week, for a room that resembles a prison cell, are asking for trouble. The fact that the people who run these places are shocked that their residents would have to turn to drug dealing to pay for their own rent is even more ignorant than thinking that marijuana is deadly and can kill you. I'm not saying if you're in debt start being a drug dealer or to take a"Breaking Bad" approach … but still, for some people it is their only option. As students, we're here for a reason. We've made it this far in the Education system, we have to be doing something right. I am a firm believer that everyone has a right to an eduction, no matter where you come from, how much money you do or don't have, or what you believe in. I couldn't give a shit, if you want to work and make something of yourself then good for you, there's nothing stopping you. 

Oh! but if only that were true. There is something stopping thousands of potential students every year from coming to University and getting the education that they so rightfully deserve, but have that snatched away from them by the fear of debt. Which if you go to university in England, it is inevitable. They're setting us all up to fail, so maybe getting arrested is a better option, then I won't have to pay my rent. 

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